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C4C People

Emma with Induna, a white rhinoceros at Monarto Zoo
Emma Still
Founder, Creating for Conservation
Education Officer, Monarto Zoo

Emma Still is the founder of Creating for Conservation, a voluntary committee raising funds for conservation education. Emma is an Education Officer at Monarto Zoo, she has an Arts Degree (1994) and Teaching Degree (1999) and is an artist. Combining her love for wildlife, conservation, art and education she has been passionately raising funds for conservation education since 2007 through the Creating for Conservation art exhibitions.
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John Lemon 
Chairman, Painted Dog Conservation Inc - PDC (Perth)
Chairman, Zambian Carnivore Programme
Curator Operations, Perth Zoo.

John Lemon has been working with the conservation of Painted Dog; also known as African Wild Dog, since 2000. He is the chairman of Zambian Carnivore Programme and the Curator Operations of Perth Zoo. He was a founding member of Painted Dog Conservation Inc (PDC) Perth in 2003. PDC Inc is a Partner Organisation with Creating for Conservation.
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Anna Tolan
Co-Founder and Director, Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust - Zambia
Beneficiary of Creating for Conservation 2012

Anna and her husband Steve Tolan are the founders of a small dynamic conservation education organisation in the South Luangwa Valley, Zambia, Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust.

Their organisation is this year's recipient for the Creating for Conservation Exhibition's fundraise, they will receive 100% of proceeds. 
Anna Tolan is travelling from Mfuwe, South Luangwa in Zambia to Adelaide to meet with Pulteney Grammar School to discuss the International Conservation Education Exchange.

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