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Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Artist Bio: Noel Dansie

'Mix It Up'

Noel Dansie

The headline Artist for 2012 is well known Adelaide artist Noel Dansie. He has won many awards for creativity including The Adelaide Art Directors Club, New York Festival, The One Show and National Caxton Press Awards.

[You can see more of Noel's work on his website is here]

Conservation Statement
“I am a bit of a sucker for taking in unwanted chooks, and have been known to slow down to let a sleepy lizard  cross the road or ever catch Huntsman Spiders in a glass and a piece of cardboard and let it go on a nice appropriate tree in the garden. I know they aren't on the endangered species list, but it is my small contribution to creatures that need help.

On the bigger stage, I absolutely admire everyone who devotes their lives to saving endangered species, and am proud to be associated with the guys at Creating for Conservation Exhibition.”

Painted Puppies

Creating for Conservation
Noel is the headline artist in the Creating for Conservation Art Exhibition 2012. The pieces [pictured] will be available at the Exhibition. The other pieces Noel chooses to exhibit will be available for purchase at the C4C2012 Exhibition only [no online sales]. Proceeds from C4C2012 are dedicated to Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust - Zambia. Please come along on the opening night on 2nd November or over the weekend 2nd November to 4th November to see Noel's work and that of the other fantastic contributing Artists.

Learn more at out website here: Creating for Conservation.