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Friday, 26 October 2012

Artist Bio: Steve Morvell

Steve Morvell

Steve Morvell is a highly acclaimed environmental artist, dedicated to raising human awareness of the beauty and fragility of wildlife and the habitats in which we co-exist. A deep need to understand animals on their own terms takes Steve to many wild places researching his art. His powerful and evocative work is exhibited around the world winning many major art awards and hangs in private, public and corporate collections.

‘On my garden gate – kookaburra’
Pastel on Colourfix paper
50 x 66cm

Working in a wide variety of mediums, Steve believes that to do justice to the subject and to produce truly great art, one must be open-minded in approach and method of portrayal.

His art has been widely featured through Television and radio including an ABC Wildscreen documentary. He has also featured in books including 'Fifty Australian Artists', 'Who's who of Australian Visual Artists', in many magazines and on Australian Postage Stamps. His was the first wildlife art ever to be featured in 'Australian Artist' magazine where he appeared as the cover artist back in 1987.

You can read more about Steve at his website here: www.stevemorvell.com

‘A flash of wings – Pacific black duck’
Pastel on Supertooth
76 x 63cm

Creating for Conservation

Steve is exhibiting in the Creating for Conservation Art Exhibition 2012. The pieces [pictured] are representative o fhis work. The pieces Steve chooses to exhibit will be available for purchase at the C4C2012 Exhibition only [no online sales]. Proceeds from C4C2012 are dedicated to Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust - Zambia. Please come along on the opening night on 2nd November or over the weekend 2nd November to 4th November to see Steve’s work and that of the other fantastic contributing Artists.