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Friday, 19 October 2012

Artist Bio: Beth Haywood

Beth Haywood
Beth Haywood has just got back into art a couple of years ago and is studying with the well know wildlife artist Steve Morvell. Most of her artwork is in pastels but she enjoys graphite and charcoal. Her passion for wildlife and animals in general shows through in her artwork.

Cinnamon Yellowdog
 Conservation Statement
I think Conservation is important on all levels. It is just as important to help Conservation on a local level in any way that you can. Even the smallest change can lead to bigger changes to assist the environment and animals future.”


Creating for Conservation
Beth is exhibiting in the Creating for Conservation Art Exhibition 2012. The pieces [pictured] are representative of her work. 

The pieces Beth chooses to exhibit will be available for purchase at the C4C2012 Exhibition only [no online sales]. Proceeds from C4C2012 are dedicated to Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust - Zambia

Please come along on the opening night on 2nd November or over the weekend 2nd November to 4th November to see Beth’s work and that of the other fantastic contributing Artists.