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Saturday, 3 November 2012

Artist Bio: Indiana James

Lion Fish

Indiana James
Indiana James was born in Indiana and educated as a teacher and geologist. In 1992 James dropped out of the oil and gas boardroom to become a ‘found-object’ sculptor. Working on Kangaroo Island since 1996, his work has won many award and commissions, including the People’s Choice at the Waterhouse International Art Prize in 2004 and again in 2010.

Conservation Statement
I continue to find inspiration in Australian wildlife to search for meaning in the wreckages of human endeavor.”


Creating for Conservation
Indiana is exhibiting in the Creating for Conservation Art Exhibition 2012. The pieces [pictured] are representative of his work. The pieces Indiana chooses to exhibit will be available for purchase at the C4C2012 Exhibition only [no online sales]. Proceeds from C4C2012 are dedicated to Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust - Zambia. Please come along on the opening night on 2nd November or over the weekend 2nd November to 4th November to see Indiana’s work and that of the other fantastic contributing Artists.