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Monday, 22 October 2012

Artist Bio: Tess Cole

Tess Cole
Tess Cole is an Adelaide Hills artist inspired by the natural environment. Although no longer focusing on entirely becoming an artist, Tess spends much time drawing. Tess is now interested in molecular ecology, aiming for a pathway in research. These two passions join art and science together with a conservation motive.

Visit Tess's website here

Conservation Statement
Biodiversity is being lost at an alarming rate. May threats have been accentuated by a lack of education and out ability to ignore our personal impact on the environment. My goal is to minimise these issues, through scientific research and by education through my drawings.”

Birds [Detail]

Creating for Conservation

Tess is exhibiting in the Creating for Conservation Art Exhibition 2012. The piece [pictured] is representative of her work. The pieces Tess chooses to exhibit will be available for purchase at the C4C2012 Exhibition only [no online sales].

Proceeds from C4C2012 are dedicated to Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust - Zambia

Please come along on the opening night on 2nd November or over the weekend 2nd November to 4th November to see Tess’s work and that of the other fantastic contributing Artists.