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Sunday, 21 October 2012

C4C People: Emma Still - Founder

Emma Still
Founder, Creating for Conservation
Education Officer, Monarto Zoo

About Emma
Emma Still is the founder of Creating for Conservation, a voluntary committee raising funds for conservation education. Emma is an Education Officer at Monarto Zoo, she has an Arts Degree (1994) and Teaching Degree (1999) and is an *artist. Combining her love for wildlife, conservation, art and education she has been passionately raising funds for conservation education since 2007 through the Creating for Conservation art exhibitions.

Her vision was supported by enthusiastic friends who shared her love for wildlife. In 2006 Emma met John Lemon, Founding Member and Chairman of Painted Dog Conservation Inc (PDC) at an educator’s workshop at Monarto Zoo. The following year Emma and four friends visited the projects Painted Dog Conservation runs in Zimbabwe. One of the projects included conservation education for local children. Inspired by this Emma and her friends came back to Adelaide and conceived ‘Creating for Conservation’. Since then Emma has curated 3 exhibitions, 2012 is her fourth.

Previous exhibitions held in 2007, 2008, 2011 have raised over $35,000 for conservation education in Zimbabwe, and a further $4500 for carnivore conservation. The 2012 Creating for Conservation Exhibition is supporting conservation education in Zambia though Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust.

“I was so inspired by a visit to PDC in Zimbabwe, being greeted by the smiles and African songs of a children from a local school attending the camp of their lives - a conservation camp to learn about how to value and protect the wildlife they live with and how to take positive action towards their environment.”

Adelaide born and bred, Emma’s long time obsession for African animals was predominately expressed through her art from a very early age. She was always surrounded by heart-beats with fur, from pets to rescues and abandoned orphans, it seemed only natural that she would be working in an environment where animals were her focus.

Emma worked for 4 years with CanTeen (young people living with cancer) as their recreation officer. Following this it was time to move back to her original connections with Africa and mix a love for animals and teaching young people in the name of conservation. She has been at Monarto Zoo as an education officer for the past 7 years.
“Conservation Education is about building hope and potential in young hearts to know and understand that their actions can and do make a difference. It is about recognising how and where they fit in the world and contributing to it in a positive way. To live with the environment, from wildlife to habitat in all its beauty, would make for a rich world for us all. It is about connecting people with nature, immersing in the wonders and developing an attitude the cares.”

Fundraising for the International Conservation Exchange

The focus for Creating for Conservation this year is raising funds for Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust and specifically for an innovative International Conservation Exchange.

The Exchange is the first of its kind where two conservation organisations from across the globe partner up with a common goal to inspire and foster future conversation leaders. Inviting PGS as the participating school in the pilot program, PGS Conservation Corps students will link up with Chipembele Conservation Club students from Zambia on true exchange working and learning alongside each other in both Australia and Zambia, immersing themselves in culture, recognising and living both the similarities and differences, participating in hands on conservation activities and programs and building transferable skills in conservation and leadership. It is about opening doors and building hope. It is about opportunities and connecting with the environment. It is about recognition of the difference that each and every individual to the world we live in.”
“…recognition that every thing we do makes an impact and our impact, when we choose to help - makes a difference. We must take responsibility for ourselves, our choices and what we do in the world. Conservation is hard work. If it wasn’t then the world would not be in the trouble it is now. You cant keep your clothes and hands clean and save the world - so get in there and make a difference!”

Emma's Conservation Goals
Emma’s main goal for wildlife and the environment is preservation. Using the avenues of education, art, hands-on-involvement she encourages young people and adults to get involved in whatever way they can to assist wildlife, and the conservation of the wild places that supports them.

Sometimes finding an avenue to make a difference is difficult in our busy worlds. Creating for Conservation is a event that is about conservation, sustainability, education, future vision and building hope. It is born from a true love for animals and the magnificent wonder they give to us let them. C4C is about sharing this with you so you can make a difference to the lives of both the people and animals of Zambia.”

Emma’s Mission for Creating for Conservation 2012
  • To increase the profile of Creating for Conservation by moving to a bigger space in a central location that invites a whole new cliental to the arena of conservation.
  • We aim to raise the awareness of conservation education and what impact it has on wildlife and local communities.
  • We want people to know what a Painted Dog is and the fact they are Africa's most endangered carnivore and that they are NOT a hyena! As with most things, the more you learn about something, the more you understand it and then the more you care and want to take action!
  • To share with people an amazing story of a woman (Anna Tolan of Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust) who had a dream and what can happen if you really believe in that dream.
  • To share a journey of Chipembele and the depth of what the conservation project offers to education and the community in the South Luangwa, Zambia.
  • To inspire people to join together in making a difference and giving 10 local Chipembele Conservation Club students the opportunity to see beyond the borders of their village and open their eyes to a world of possibility.
*Emma will be exhibiting in the Creating for Conservation Exhibition 2012.